الأربعاء، 1 مارس 2017

50 Juicing Recipes - Healthy Juices for Weight Loss and Detox (2017)

Obesity is defined accumulation of fat in the body that can make the body weight is higher than the scale or a particular index, so contrary to the weight with health, and considered attention to body weight is a prerequisite for health, while obesity and weight gain
associated with risk of injury to a person with chronic diseases, and became the obesity itself is classified as a disease, It chronic diseases that operate obesity raise the risk of developing it; diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, obstructive sleep neap disease, osteoarthritis Alabama (osteoarthritis), some types of cancer, gallbladder disease, respiratory problems, and the high risk of complications during pregnancy and during surgical operations
50 Juicing Recipes - Healthy Juices for Weight Loss and Detox 2017
The easiest ways to lose weight
The easiest ways to lose weight are those indirect clear that Tsoukna to the desired goal without being tainted by misguided ideas, and with the proliferation of different diets and promote the many false weight-loss methods, we can say with confidence that the easiest way to lose weight are those health based approach to assess the nutritional status current full by dietician assessment, identify errors, and then begin to address gradually, where it should be based treatment of obesity and overweight on gradual change in lifestyle, must combines integrated health diet, and balanced, and diverse, and temperate, and that control the calories and give enough of all the essential nutrients for the body (3).
In order for a person to feel that easy losing weight should not be starting a large number of changes at once and setting goals is logical, but it should gradually develop a plan for long term work changes and entered into the daily lifestyle (3
Determine the health of the body weight
Any person interested in the weight of his body so as not up to the weight of conflicts with his health, and there are many standards that have been developed to assess body weight and, unfortunately, seen a lot of people to keep us informed media about body image too skinny as a perfect body and the dream that everyone wants access him, especially women, and unfortunately this image affect the satisfaction a lot of people about their weight even if they are within the normal weight or even below normal
50 Juicing Recipes - Healthy Juices for Weight Loss and Detox (2017
This photo also particularly affects children and adolescents, and lead to many wrong actions with respect to diet and body weight, such as diets that rely on extreme deprivation, hunger and abuse of drugs slimming pills blazing fat, which negatively affects their health. Given the criteria used for the selection of fashion models and beauty queens who consider them a lot of people a measure of ideal weight, we find that their weight has decreased over the years (2), have arrived at the present time to weights less than normal often (4), which also contrary to the health, where the body becomes when it is in the weight of lower than normal are less able to resist diseases, especially those that included malnutrition, such as cancer, and women with weights below the natural vulnerable to a defect in irregular menstrual cycle and the inability to reproduce, it can also be adversely affected by the health of the baby if the mother's weight less than normal when during pregnancy is associated with less weight than normal osteoporosis and high fracture rate
50 Juicing Recipes - Healthy Juices for Weight Loss and Detox (2017
Therefore it must be self-acceptance and not to be affected are the ideal weight is transmitted by our media, as you must know that the definition of the ideal weight is not fixed, but is variable over time
and from one society to another, as some communities assess Beauty overweight, and that the definition of the ideal weight does not normally it is determined standard of the impact of weight on health, but other criteria, so it should not adopt the ideal weight that is being portrayed to us by the media and society as a goal or motivation to lose weight, but you should always look at the health and relationship with our weight out and how it affects them, and make them the primary goal we are losing weight and making changes in the pattern of our lives for him

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